Tuesday, 13 March 2018

How to Get Over a Sad Day

sadness, depression, unmotivated, motivation, productivity, self care, self love, headspace, meditation, workout, journal

I regularly have periods of time where I don't feel like myself, where I feel completely empty, and where my motivation levels are dangerously low. Sometimes it lasts for weeks sometimes it's just a few days, but this mental state regularly comes back to destroy my productivity and consequently lower my mood. Here are a few things that I find helpful to get over it:

  1. Avoid screens, especially TV and social media, which can be so draining and frustrating. Don't compare yourself to anyone: you are unique and your life follows its own unique path.
  2. Keep a journal, write down how you feel. You don't need to write well, you don't even need to write full sentences. Making lists of overwhelming tasks or feelings often helps to see things more clearly.
  3. Work on a personal project. Forget the work/school/administrative/familial deadlines for a while and focus on something YOU want to do: learn a new skill, start a blog, start writing a novel, try this new recipe that's been tempting you for weeks, plan a trip, sew yourself a new dress... Whatever tickles your fancy! Once you're actually doing something and you've put your mind on productive mode, you might find it easier to tackle an element of your to-do list.
  4. Go outside. It can be so tempting to crawl under the sheets and wait for time to pass, but it hardly ever helps. Being outside reminds me that I'm part of a bigger picture and suddenly my problems don't feel so daunting.
  5. Work out. Probably the last thing you want to do, but very effective to lift your mood.
  6. Meditate. I'm still quite new to this and it does not make me feel better on the spot, but I'm hoping that it will help me deal with negative feelings over time. I use the Headspace app which is awesome if you're new to it! 

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