Thursday, 2 August 2018

Books to Keep You Cool This Summer

reading list, Summer, books, winter, snow, cool, refreshing reads, books to keep you cool, Philip Pullman, jack London, The Snow Child, Eowyn Ivey, Jules Verne

When the heatwave strikes and I can't move an arm without sweat dripping from my forehead, I like to use books to escape to cooler climates. Without further ado and before I melt into a puddle, here is a selection of reads to keep you cool this scorching hot Summer. There all (partly) set in some northern snowy landscape and with a bit of imagination they might cool you down for a moment.

- Jules Verne, A Winter amid the Ice: Nobody writes adventures like Jules Verne. A Winter amid the Ice is a short but thrilling read.

- Eowyn Ivey, The Snow Child: A beautiful rewriting of a Russian fairy tale set in Alaska.

- Philip Pullman, His Dark Material Vol 1, The Golden Compass: A YA classic that you need to (re)read asap.

- Jack London, White Fang or To Build a Fire: Anything by Jack London is bound to make to you travel up North. 
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