Wednesday, 22 December 2021

3 Holiday Drinks Recipes

There's nothing like warm, spicy (and alcoholic) drinks to make you feel cozy during the holiday season. Here are 3 recipes that will make you feel cheerful (and make your home smell amazing) in just a few minutes.

1) Mulled Wine:

-1 liter of red wine
-60 cl. of water
-120 g. of sugar
-1 orange
-1 star anise
-1 cinnamon stick
-3-4 cloves
-a pinch of nutmeg

Put everything a in large bot and boil for 15 to 20 minutes.

2) Hot Apple Cider:

-1.5 litter of apple cider
-5 cl. of maple syrup
-2 cinnamon sticks
-5 cloves
-The peel of 1 orange
-The peel of 1 lemon
-1 star anise

Put everything a in large bot and boil for 15 to 20 minutes.

3) Early Grey Hot Toddy 8recipe from a Coop magazine):

Serves 4 cups

-10 cl. of whisky
-5 cl. of lemon juice
-4 tbsp of maple syrup
-60 cl. of water
-Earl grey 
-4 cinnamon sticks
-4 lemon slices

Mix the whisky, maple syrup and lemon juice. Set aside.
Make the tea.
Divide the whisky mixture in the 4 cups and top with very hot tea (reheat it if necessary).
Stir with a cinnamon stick and and a slice of lemon to decorate the mug.

What is your favorite warm drink?

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