Sunday 10 September 2017

Lobster Love

Random thoughts:

  1. My love for lobsters comes from Friends and Phoebe's theory on lobsters' love life. Now, I can't help seeing them as a symbol of true, endless love.
  2. These pictures were taken during a vacation on l'ile de Batz, an island close to the north coast of Brittany that is absolutely beautiful. There are almost no cars and very few tourists so this place is a true haven for any nature lover / introvert / book worm. Fun fact about the island: bikes are a very convenient and popular way of visiting. Surprisingly, most people don't bother padlocking them when they go to the beach or the shops... They just leave them on the side of the road unprotected. Civility and respect rule!
  3. This Wear Lemonade Maeva skirt is a twirly dream. It catches the wind beautifully and flows around you so gracefully... I already own I in another print and might sew myself a couple more. It's just perfection!

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