Monday, 18 June 2018

Feline Wisdom

On Saturday, my boyfriend and I lost our beloved cat. She was very sick and it was time for her to go. She went peacefully, surrounded by love and gratitude. We now have to deal with the immense pain caused by her absence from our life. You might think we're crazy, but we're just sensitive beings who spent everyday of the last three years in the presence of a little companion. We discovered her personality, we received her affection, and life without her seems impossibly dull. 

I find it cathartic to look at (the thousands of) pictures we took of her (ok, maybe we are a little crazy, but that diminishes neither the love nor the pain). And looking back at those happy days brought three lessons to my mind that I've learn from my furry friend.

1) Never waste a ray of sunshine. (Whether you interpret it literally or figuratively is up to you.)

2) Rest is important 

3) If you want something, ask for it. If nobody gives it to you, get it yourself.

1 comment :

  1. I'm sorry for your loss! What a beautiful cat. I just found your blog or I would have commented sooner. I have two cats myself and know how close we get to them.


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