Sunday, 3 June 2018

June Goals

As the half point of 2018 is slowly approaching, here is another round of goals that I'm hoping to reach this month:

  • Learn a bit of Italian. Both my grandmothers are italophones and I'm ashamed to say that I can't speak a word of Italian (although I understand it quite well). I have a trip planned to visit family in Ticino this Summer and I would love to be able to say a few sentences by then. Now to find the best app to learn Italian... 

  • Write a short story. I didn't write much in May, but I have found some amazing ressources for writers ( and, so I have no excuses not to get started on a writing project.

  • Write guest posts. I have seen several calls for guest blogging on Twitter lately and I've expressed my interest for several of them. I'm already working on an post for and I'm going to write articles for a website on Geneva. 

  • Keep working on my morning routine. I haven't managed to build a consistent morning routine last month and I think it's because I need to find something shorter that Hal Elrod's s.a.v.e.r.s. I'm thinking affirmation and goal setting, as well as a bit of reading (maybe a bit of journaling if I feel like it). I find it a lot more convenient to keep mediation and exercise for later in the day. I'm also thinking about including a bit of tidying up, because it really puts me in a "get shit done" mood :)

  • Enjoy the Football World Cup. As a teenager I was really into football and although I've lost interest I still love the festive atmosphere of this event. So watching games with friends and drinking homemade frosé (this is a killer recipe by the way) is on the to-do list.

  • Use my clutches. I am a big fan of Studio DIY and I've been a member of their clutch subscription service for a year now, which means I have a ton of crazy cute clutches in my closet and they clearly don't get enough use. 
I'd love to know your goals for June. Leave a comment down below and tell me all about it! If you've written a blog post about it, feel free to leave a link.

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