Monday, 16 April 2018

One Minute Bliss: Like Hobbits in the Shire

Bilbo Baggings, Frodo, The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien,Howard Shore, Concerning Hobbits, Hobbits, seigneur des anneaux, la comté, Hobbitbourg

One Minute Bliss is a blog post series where every Monday I share one small thing that brings me joy. You can find the other posts here.

I am obsessed with the Lord of the Rings. The news about the upcoming Amazon series made me want to dive back into the story. The movies have been favorites of mine for years, and I recently finished reading the first volume, which is a task that took me almost 15 years to complete after giving it up and starting again a few times. I blame it on Peter Jackson because he is a freaking genius and his filmic adaptations were beyond perfect! What made me fall in love with the movies is Jackson's interpretation of Middle Earth, as well as the music. Howard Shore created an extremely immersive soundtrack and I find myself listening to it on repeat (Bonus tip: It's great for long car rides.). One song that makes me particularly happy is the theme of the Shire. It evokes spring, bare feet on a luscious grass, walks in the woods and story telling by the fire. It is the perfect musical representation of a contented heart, with a hint of longing for something left behind.

Listen to it here.

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